Yueming Hao (郝岳明)

Email: yhao at meta.com

I am a Software Engineer at Meta on the PyTorch Compiler team. I graduated from North Carolina State University with a Ph.D. in 2024 under the advisement of Prof. Xu Liu.

I'm interested in developing tools for program performance analysis and optimizations for GPGPU applications.


North Carolina State University, US
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Advisor: Prof. Xu Liu
August 2020 - May 2024
College of William and Mary, US
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Advisor: Prof. Xu Liu
Transferred to NCSU following Prof. Xu Liu
August 2019 - August 2020
Shandong University, China
M.S., Computer Science and Technology, Advisor: Prof. Lei Ju
August 2016 - June 2019
Shandong University, China
B.S., Computer Science and Technology
August 2012 - June 2016


  • [CGO 2024] "DrPy: Pinpointing Inefficient Memory Usage in Multi-Layer Python Applications",
    Jinku Cui, Qidong Zhao, Yueming Hao, Xu Liu
  • [arXiv] "TorchBench: Benchmarking PyTorch with High API Surface Coverage",
    Yueming Hao, Xu Zhao, Bin Bao, David Berard, Will Constable, Adnan Aziz, Xu Liu
    Paper  Code 
  • [ICPE 2023] "DrGPU: A Top-Down Profiler for GPU Applications",
    Yueming Hao, Nikhil Jain, Rob Van der Wijngaart, Nirmal Saxena, Yuanbo Fan, Xu Liu,
    The International Conference on Performance Engineering.
    Paper  Code  Slides  Best Paper Finalist(Runner UP Award)
  • [ASPLOS 2022] "ValueExpert: Exploring Value Patterns in GPU-accelerated Applications",
    Keren Zhou,Yueming Hao*, John Mellor-Crummey, Xiaozhu Meng, Xu Liu,
    Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
    (Keren and Yueming are co-first authors.)
    Paper  Code  Slides  Distinguished Artifact Award
  • [SC 2020] "GVPROF: A Value Profiler for GPU-based Clusters",
    Keren Zhou, Yueming Hao, John Mellor-Crummey, Xiaozhu Meng, Xu Liu,
    The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Nov 15-20, 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA.
    Paper  Code  Slides 


Software Engineer, Meta, California

PyTorch Compiler
May 2024 - Current

Research Scientist Intern, Full time & Part Time, Meta, California

Intern Mentor: Bin Bao, PyTorch Compiler
May 2023 - December 2023

Research Scientist Intern, Full time & Part time, Meta, California

Intern Mentor: Xu Zhao, PyTorch Perf Infra
May 2022 - December 2022

Research Intern, NVIDIA, California

Intern Mentor: Nikhil Jain, HPC Arch
May 2020 - August 2020



We developed TorchBench, a novel benchmark suite to study the performance of the PyTorch software stack. Unlike existing benchmark suites, TorchBench encloses many representative models, covering a large PyTorch API surface. TorchBench is able to comprehensively characterize the performance of the PyTorch software stack, guiding the performance optimization across models, PyTorch framework, and GPU libraries. We show two practical use cases atop TorchBench. (1) We profile TorchBench to identify GPU performance inefficiencies in PyTorch. We are able to optimize many performance bugs and upstream the patches to the official PyTorch repository. (2) We integrate TorchBench into PyTorch continuous integration system. We are able to identify performance regression in multiple daily code checkins to prevent PyTorch repository from introducing performance bugs.

GVProf & ValueExpert

We implemented GVProf, the first value profiler that locates value redundancy problems in applications running on GPU-based clusters. Our experiments show that GVProf incurs acceptable overhead and scales to large executions. GVProf provides useful insights to guide performance optimization. Under the guidance of GVProf, we optimized several HPC and machine learning workloads


DrGPU is a Top-Down profiler for GPU Applications. More specifically, it is a trace analyzer for CUDA kernels to analyze the bottleneck and give suggestions for performance optimization.


2023 Best Paper Finalist, ICPE
2022 Distinguished Artifact Award, ASPLOS
2021 Runner Up, A-HUG Cloud HPC Hackathon
2021 Summer Graduate Merit Award, NCSU
2015 First Prize of China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, China

Professional Service

Conference Observer: ICPP 2020
External Conference Reviewer: IPDPS 2023, ICPE 2023
Artifact Evaluation Committee: PPoPP 2021, PPoPP 2022, PPoPP 2023, MICRO 2023, ASPLOS 2024, CGO 2024, PPoPP 2024, SC 2024
Web Chair: LCTES 2021
Journal Reviewer: TECS 2021